Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Muslims getting...

...fatter. Yeah, it's true.

Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I was reading Taraweeh in a local Masjid, and I noticed that Muslims in America are a bit.... uh.... overweight. I'm serious. We eat too much. I wonder if they eat that much in Muslim countries.
Well, back to what I was talking about. I was reading Taraweeh, and who would have thought, there was a fat guy next to me. And a REALLY fat guy on the left. I was sandwiched, and my arms were really tight and pressed against the sides of my body, I had to lean back with my feet still lined up with their's just to get some relief (putting pressure on my heels which was not comfortable at ALL), my arms were being pushed in during Sujood, and the list goes on and on and on and on....
The average per capita calorie consumption in America (according to 2007 data) is 4000 (it's actually 3990, but what difference does 10 calories make? I probably burned 10 calories writing this post). Now, two years later, it's probably well over that. And I have a feeling that this country's 7,000,000 million Muslims (mainly the immigrants - 5,000,000 are immigrants or descended from immigrants, the rest are converted) are contributing a LOT to that number. Among Muslims, it's probably 5,000. Or maybe 6 or 7,000. See ya later, Mr. 8000-calorie-diet Michael Phelps. Your days are over. An American Muslim could beat that any day. Even in Ramadan.
Kareem, trade in the burger for a salad. Not to mention you got it at McDonald's, so it's HARAAM. Habeeb, drink an orange juice instead of a soda. Fatima, lose the french fries. Start eating healthy foods, people! Your future depends on it! Haven't you heard of cholesterol? But that's not the point. The point is, when you eat fatty foods, or large amounts of food, or both (the most popular choice), you get REALLY fat and your going to end up bothering the person next to you in Salaah or Taraweeh or something else like that. Then he/she will go to his/her blog which gets 3 views a day (more like a week. Possibly even a year!) and right an article similar to this one. So throw out that hot dog you're chowing down on (you got ketchup on the computer) and go eat an apple. NOW. Unless you're fasting. I assume you're not, because you wouldn't have been eating a hot dog.


1 comment:

Sana said...

That food sure looks good!!!